PBIS Express

A new train has pulled into the Bautista Creek Elementary School station, or so the students on campus would say. Staff members have created a new event to reward students for their positive behavior and it’s called the PBIS Express. 

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a program that sets clear expectations for students. Students are taught how to behave in a variety of different scenarios and are provided clear and concise expectations for what is acceptable behavior and what is not. For students that are exhibiting the three areas of PBIS focus: respectful, responsible, and safety, they are given a Bear Buck which is redeemable at the PBIS Express.

To the untrained eye, the PBIS Express may look like a small, toy school bus; but to students at Bautista Creek they see an express vehicle of prizes they can purchase. Students can earn Bear Bucks through positive interactions staff members see. If a child is being respectful in the lunch line, a staff member will hand them a Bear Buck for demonstrating what it is to be respectful. Students are able to choose from a variety of prizes that staff and PTA donated. You can tell when the PBIS Express has pulled into Bautista Creek station because students all across the playground could be found talking excitedly about their new items.

Principal Kristi Watson said the new addition to student recognition has allowed all staff members to recognize students in a positive way.The staff truly appreciates having a school wide system to recognize our students in all settings,” said Watson.
