Teacher Help » Clever Badge FAQ

Clever Badge FAQ

Do TK-5 students have to login with a Clever badge (QR Code)?
No, students do not have to use the Clever badge to login, they can still log in the traditional method of username and password. The badges are a way to assist our younger TK-5 students with logging in, but they are not required. If a student does not have a badge or loses their badge they can still log in with their username and password.
How do students log into their Chromebook from home?
We have created this website to assist families with logging in and basic Chromebook issues: www.hemetusd.org/parenthelp. We have also created a login guide for parents (see attached). The first step is for a student to connect to the Internet through Wifi. If they do not connect to the internet, then the login into the Chromebook may not work. Once connected to the Wifi, they can then login with their username and password or their Clever Badge (TK-5 only).
What if a student doesn't know their password?
You can reset the student login with the HUSD Student Accounts Tool
Will resetting the password disable the Clever badge?
No, they are independent of each other. If you void a badge in Clever, then the badge will no longer work and the student will need to receive a new one. It is recommended to never void a badge unless lost.