Application for Membership on Measure T COC
Application for Membership on Measure T COC
Hemet, July 10, 2012: Volunteer opportunities are available to be a part of the Hemet Unified School District Proposition 39 Citizens' Oversight Committee for Measure T! This committee, made up of taxpayers, directly participates in the oversight of bond expenditures ensuring that the expenditures of bond measures are in strict conformity with the law. Due to term expirations the District is seeking applicants to fill vacant positions and alternate positions on the committee. Applicants are needed in each of the following five categories:
- Active in a business organization representing the business community located within the District;
- Active in a senior citizens’ organization;
- Active in a bona fide taxpayer association;
- Parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District;
- Both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent teacher organization, such as the Parent Teacher Association or School Site Council.
Guidelines and applications for the Citizens’ Oversight Committee may be obtained from the Superintendent’s Office by telephoning (951) 765-5100, Extension 1001 or Extension 1002 or from the district website at will be accepted until all positions are filled.
Contact: Dr. Barry L Kayrell at 951-765-5100, Ext. 1000 or Karen Ashman at Ext. 1001