Safety & Risk Management » What We Do

What We Do

What We Do

The Safety/Risk Management Office is integrally involved in upholding the safety of staff, students, and guests and implementing loss control measures to reduce the financial impact of risk exposures to the District. This involves several categories of activities:

Risk & Hazard Analysis

Hemet Unified School District (HUSD) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all of its employees, students, and guests. Of primary importance to achieving this goal is the continual analysis of the risks and hazards that can adversely affect people and property within the boundaries of our District.

The HUSD Safety/Risk Management Office, through hands-on inspections, reporting mechanisms, and cooperation with neighboring agencies, continually analyzes risks and hazards inherent within the District. Where hazards and risks can be corrected, the Safety/Risk Management Office recommends solutions to eliminate, avoid, or reduce the risk or hazard. For example, a hazard caused by a broken staircase at a school site can be eliminated by repairing the staircase. Potential injuries can be avoided by recommending that a specific dangerous activity cannot be allowed at a school site. Injuries and property damage can be reduced by implementing proper mitigation activities, such as bolting bookcases to a wall.

Occupational & Environmental Health & Safety

Hemet Unified School District (HUSD) is committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace for all of its employees. The personal safety of each school district employee while in performance of his or her work activity is of primary importance.

The HUSD Safety/Risk Management Office implements and monitors government-mandated environmental and occupational health and safety compliance programs and coordinates safety training sessions to ensure that employees are conscious of the hazards in their workplace and knowledgeable of the skills and techniques needed to avoid those hazards.

When an employee is injured in the workplace, the Safety/Risk Management Office coordinates Workers’ Compensation claims and processes and works with sites to assign alternative work arrangements for the employee if a modified work assignment is ordered by their doctor.

If an employee is injured while at work, they should contact their Office Manager or Supervisor for the necessary forms and procedures to initiate a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Occupational Health & Safety Links & Resources

U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA)
This federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration website offers an abundance of information, tools, legal citations, and training opportunities in the field of Occupational Safety and Health.
California Department of Industrial Relations (Cal/OSHA)
This state Occupational Safety and Health Administration website provides information specific to California’s Code of Regulations safety orders and related topics.
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Provides a wealth of information about Southern California’s air quality. Daily air quality forecasts are also available on this site.

Safety Awareness

Hemet Unified School District (HUSD) is committed to providing a safe environment for all of its employees, students, and guests. The personal safety of each individual while on a campus or district location is of primary importance.

The HUSD Safety/Risk Management Office is constantly monitoring district sites for numerous types of safety issues. Through safety inspections, hazard reports, injury reports, and a variety of other means, safety hazards are tracked down and corrected as soon as feasible.

Equally important as eliminating safety hazards is raising the awareness level of safety issues among our staff and students. The Safety/Risk Management Office coordinates safety training sessions for staff and encourages safe practices that can be passed on to students.

Weekly Safety Tip

The Safety/Risk Management Office encourages everyone to practice safety. Please check back weekly to read the Weekly Safety Tip provided by the National Safety Council.

Safety Awareness Links and Resources

Keenan SafeSchools Online Safety Courses
This service, offered by Keenan through Southern California Relief (SCR), is available to any HUSD employee. You can take online courses in topics such as sexual harassment, bloodborne pathogen exposures, and hazard communication.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
An encyclopedic list of safety topics that apply to the workplace.
National Safety Council Fact Sheets
Numerous downloadable fact sheets that cover safety issues for home, work, outdoors, and other environments.
Posts and archived articles related to keeping children safe.
National Safe Kids Campaign
An international nonprofit organization dedicated solely to preventing unintentional childhood injury.

Property & Liability Exposure Control

The Hemet Unified School District (HUSD) owns or leases a large amount of property in the form of buildings, buses, maintenance and other vehicles, machines, and equipment. All of this property is subject to damage or loss from disaster, theft, vandalism, and other means. Because the District deals with human beings, we are also at risk of an occasional liability claim of one type or another.

The HUSD Safety/Risk Management Office is involved in managing property and liability exposures on two levels. First, we ensure that all property and liability exposures are covered under the District’s insurance policy. This includes endorsements for additional covered parties and loss payees. Second, we handle and coordinate submitted property and liability claims.

Emergency Preparedness

A disaster or crisis could occur at any time, without warning. Taking steps now to prepare for the next emergency could reduce the risk of injury or damage to property. The HUSD Safety/Risk Management Office actively prepares for disasters and other emergencies by supplying schools with disaster supplies, developing emergency response plans and procedures, and coordinating training and drills.

The Safety/Risk Management Office encourages all staff and families of students to incorporate emergency preparedness plans and procedures in their homes. Here are some tools to assist you in preparing your home and family for the next disaster:

Don't forget to plan for:

Emergency Preparedness Links & Resources

Disaster Service Worker Training
A video from RCOE that explains the Disaster Service Worker role of California school personnel.
RCOE Press Releases
Press releases from RCOE and various State organizations regarding the Swine Influenza.
Ready America Campaign
A wealth of information on preparing for any type of disaster.
Ready Kids Campaign
A fun website for children to learn how to prepare for a disaster or emergency.
Ready Business Campaign
Emergency planning tools for businesses.
Online First Aid Guide (Mayo Clinic)
A comprehensive online first aid guide.
American Red Cross - Riverside County Chapter
A wealth of information about the services offered by our local Red Cross chapter.
Riverside County Dept. of Public Health
The Emergency Preparedness and Response section provides lots of pertinent material on this informative website.
Governor's Office of Emergency Services
Lots of articles and information to keep you informed of preparedness activities at the state level.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
A variety of tools and information resources for businesses, government personnel, individuals, and kids too! This web site even offers free online courses in emergency management.
County of Riverside Emergency Management Department
Riverside County Department of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (PHEPR) is a comprehensive network of public health professionals functioning to strengthen public health infrastructure in preparation for any natural or human made disaster.
County of Riverside - Emergency Information for Residents
Find out how to prepare for disasters and what to do once an earthquake or other disaster hits. These links offer referrals to emergency shelters, Riverside County emergency preparedness officials, police and fire agencies, and more.