HUSD Wins Four Excellence in Safety Awards

The awards included Campus Security, Emergency Operations, Cybersecurity, and Staff & Student COVID-19 Case Management. The awards are part of the SCR Risk Management Best Practices Program which encourages district development and sharing of effective safety programs. 

Our Safety department was recognized for the implementation of the Telecenter U and Salto Electronic Access Control system which was implemented as a way to reduce the amount of time it takes to inform site staff, law enforcement, and school district personnel of any school site emergency, such as a lock down, shelter in place, or earthquake.The Salto Electronic lock system is a keyless security feature that allows us to enforce the locked door policy in Hemet and eliminates the need for keys and responds only to programmed fob keys.

Information Technology was recognized for implementing a comprehensive multifaceted cybersecurity program which includes strong password complexity enforcement, next-generation firewall upgrades, two factor authentication, amongst other unique features. The program was put in place to enhance the district’s network security, protect against cyber threats and to ensure the privacy of students and staff, confidentiality of information, and safety online.

Our Wellness and Community Outreach Center in conjunction with our Risk Management department was recognized for the development and implementation of the Student COVID Case Management Team and for the Staff COVID Team who managed and tracked COVID cases in a timely fashion amongst both students and staff in an effort to help mitigate exposure to both groups.

Our Director of Safety, Benefits & Risk Management, Lucy Dressel stated, “Safety is a top priority of HUSD. We are humbled in being recognized for these programs and will continue to strive for continuous improvement in safety across the District.”

Congratulations to these innovative leaders for their outstanding work in making HUSD a safe place for all!
