Rancho Viejo MS - Celebrating Hardworking Students

On Thursday, December 14, Rancho Viejo Middle School hosted a huge student celebration during the school day to celebrate the end of MAP testing. Students in good standing were able to participate in a series of outdoor activities for their Physical Education period. 

The school site’s back field was filled with large inflatable obstacle courses and games for students to take full advantage of. Students also competed with each other in a 4-way tug-of-war game, resulting in two winners for each round.

The day's event really exists to honor and reward students who have consistently pursued good academic standing as well as consistent attendance. Leading up to the event, students with absences or any cases of tardiness were able to address these issues with staff in order to clear their record and also take part in the events.

Great job, Rancho Viejo Middle School students for your dedication during the MAP testing and diligence in your education!
