Security Initiatives
The District conducts random K-9 narcotic searches throughout the school year.
Metal Detectors
HUSD is piloting metal detectors at one of our high schools during the 2019-20 school year. The information from this pilot will help the District determine if metal detector uses will be expanded at our schools going forward.
Electronic Locks
HUSD is rolling out the use of electronic locks. If an incident occurs and the school needs to go on lockdown, staff members will be able to lock the entire campus with one press of a button.
HUSD has increased its camera system to include every school site. The increase of camera feeds has gone from 262 camera feeds in the 2017-18 school year to 1,215 in the 2018-19 school year. That is a 363% increase.
Visitor Management System
Every individual visiting a school site is required to sign into a visitor management system. This system checks a national database to ensure the visitor is not a registered sex offender.
Closed Campus
Each of our school sites are closed campus. This means that there is only one-point of entry into the school during school hours. This allows staff to know who is on campus at any given time.
Locked Door Policy
HUSD initiated a locked door policy during the 2018-19 school year. This ensures staff does not have to waste valuable time locking a door in a crisis situation.