Medicare 101 Retirement Education Opportunities
It's that time of the year when we like to begin conversations with our potential retirees and retirees regarding Medicare. CSEBA understands this is a huge life transition for many people and also can be challenging to navigate and understand! CSEBA provides our member districts with multiple ways to support your population with these questions. Take a look at the opportunities below and reach out to your CSEBA Account Team with any questions.
Support Opportunity #1: Send out the pre-recorded webinars for them to watch at their convenience!
We have previous Medicare 101 Basics – Navigating Medicare posted on the CSJPA website under The Learning Institute that can be played back at any time. Here is the link!
Support Opportunity #2 – Send them the upcoming webinars we have scheduled on multiple retirement topics they can attend LIVE and ask questions!
TLI – Planning for Retirement – Navigating Retirement
TLI _ Planning for Retirement – Navigating Medicare
Additional Fun Support Tool: For anyone considering retirement or planning for retirement (which is EVERYONE) we have an upcoming TLI: Dreaming of Retirement: A Financial Perspective coming March 14th! Send this link to register!