Minor Capital Projects (MCP) & Warranty Issues
What is a Minor Capital Project (MCP)
Minor Capital Projects (MCP) are projects up to $200,000 that will increase the usefulness, enhance efficiency, and/or prolong the life of your site.
Examples are:
- Altering, extending, or improving the programmed design or function of an existing space, e.g., painting, room renovations, technology updates
- Permanent site improvement, e.g., shade shelter, marquee/scoreboards, fencing, greenhouse
- Upgrade in building's infrastructure, e.g., cabling
What is a Warranty Issue?
Construction projects completed at your site typically have a 12-month warranty period on work and materials. Once construction is final, a 12 month warranty window will start. For the first 12 months, Facilities will work with the contractor to fix any items that do not function as designed. After 12 months, any issues will be addressed through Maintenace's work order system.